Carbon and Sustainability

At Amey our goal is to shape a sustainable future.

With our broad range of capabilities, a collaborative approach, and using cutting-edge technology, we are tackling the pressing challenges of climate change and delivering social impact.

Working with our clients, we are reducing carbon emissions, increasing biodiversity, and laying the foundation for a sustainable future that will benefit generations to come. Through collective efforts and shared goals, we have the opportunity to create positive change and leave a lasting legacy of environmental stewardship.

At the heart of our operations, we adhere to the PAS 2080 standard, a globally recognised framework. This ensures that all our modelling and analysis aligns with the requirements of this standard, providing a solid foundation for accurately assessing the carbon footprint and sustainability aspects of projects throughout their entire lifecycle.

Tailored Strategies for Carbon Reduction

Every authority, business and building has a unique path to carbon reduction. At Amey, we work closely with clients at every step of the journey to ensure our solution fits their individual needs. Our team of experts will design and develop customised improvement plans. Using real-time monitoring, analytics, and control capabilities, clients will gain valuable insights into their energy consumption patterns, allowing them to identify areas of inefficiency make informed decisions to enhance sustainability within their organisation.

Sustainability throughout the Supply Chain

Sustainability should extend beyond our operations and into our supply chain. That's why we focus on suppliers with strong sustainability credentials that align with our values. By collaborating with our supply chain partners, we encourage sustainable sourcing practices, promote responsible procurement, and support the development of their own sustainability programmes. Through our social value supply chain charter, our suppliers commit to reducing their environmental impact and fostering positive change in the communities we serve.

Carbon Accounting & Modelling

Efficiently Reduce Emissions with Precision: Our cutting-edge carbon accounting and modelling services enable clients to quantify emissions accurately. By understanding their own carbon footprint, clients can effectively develop reduction strategies, ensuring compliance with PAS 2080 and supporting the decarbonisation journey.

Net Zero Strategy

Achieve Net Zero with Confidence: Our expert team will guide clients to develop tailored Net Zero pathways aligned with the UK government's goals. With our support, our clients can confidently navigate the complexities of sustainability and contribute to a carbon-neutral future.

Sustainability Training

Upskill for a Sustainable Future: We encourage client organisations to take advantage of the opportunity to upskill through our EMA-accredited training programs. Our sustainability training equips individuals and organisations, with the knowledge and expertise to drive positive change and make a lasting impact.

Renewables Advisory

Transition to Renewable Energy with Ease: Our dedicated team provides expert guidance to support our clients towards renewable energy adoption. From identifying the right solutions to cost savings and risk mitigation, we ensure a smooth transition, empowering clients to embrace clean energy alternatives.

Energy Audits

Efficiency Unleashed: Our comprehensive energy audits uncover hidden efficiency opportunities, helping to reduce costs and enhance sustainability. By optimising energy usage, our clients can achieve greater operational efficiency while making a positive impact on the environment.

Electric Vehicle Strategy

Embrace the Future of Mobility: Our tailored electric vehicle (EV) strategies pave the way for seamless EV integration across any business. By implementing sustainable transportation solutions, clients can reduce emissions and contribute to a Net Zero future.

Nature-Based Solutions

Harnessing the Power of Nature: Discover innovative ways to address environmental challenges through nature-based solutions. Our experts identify opportunities to utilise ecosystems, providing sustainable and resilient solutions that benefit both projects and the environment.

Biodiversity Net Gain

Enhance Biodiversity, Ensure Sustainability: We go beyond mitigating potential losses by actively enhancing and increasing biodiversity in project areas. By going beyond the expected compliance standards, we help create thriving ecosystems that contribute to a more sustainable and biodiverse environment.

Low Carbon Materials Advisory

Building for a Greener Future: Our guidance incorporates the use of low carbon materials into designs, facilitating the decarbonisation process. By integrating sustainable materials, clients can make a significant contribution to reducing emissions and promoting environmental responsibility.

Climate Adaptation & Review

Prepare for a Changing Climate: Our risk assessments and resilience strategies enable clients to mitigate climate-related risks. By embracing climate adaptation, we can ensure long-term sustainability and resilience in the face of a changing world.

Carbon Reduction Initiatives and Prioritisation

释放低碳的力量:我们帮助客户in developing impactful low carbon strategies that drive decarbonisation across their designs. By prioritising carbon reduction initiatives, clients are taking proactive steps towards a sustainable future.

Behavioural and Cultural Change

Embedding a Carbon Culture: Our expertise in implementing carbon culture into a client’s strategy and business fosters behavioural and cultural change. Together, we can cultivate a sustainable mindset, empowering individuals and organisations to make a collective difference.